class Cairo::Script


The script surface provides the ability to render to a native script that matches the cairo drawing model. The scripts can be replayed using tools under the util/cairo-script directory, or with cairo-perf-trace.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Cairo::Device

acquire : Status acquire, finalize finalize, finish finish, flush flush, observer_elapsed : Float64 observer_elapsed, observer_fill_elapsed : Float64 observer_fill_elapsed, observer_glyphs_elapsed : Float64 observer_glyphs_elapsed, observer_mask_elapsed : Float64 observer_mask_elapsed, observer_paint_elapsed : Float64 observer_paint_elapsed, observer_print(write_func : LibCairo::WriteFuncT, closure : Pointer(Void)) : Status observer_print, observer_stroke_elapsed : Float64 observer_stroke_elapsed, reference : Device reference, reference_count : UInt32 reference_count, release release, set_user_data(key : UserDataKey, user_data : Pointer(Void), destroy : LibCairo::DestroyFuncT) : Status set_user_data, status : Status status, to_unsafe : LibCairo::PDeviceT to_unsafe, type : DeviceType type, user_data(key : UserDataKey) : Pointer(Void) user_data

Constructor methods inherited from class Cairo::Device

new(device : LibCairo::PDeviceT) new

Constructor Detail

def : LibCairo::WriteFuncT, closure : Pointer(Void)) #

Creates a output device for emitting the script, used when creating the individual surfaces.


  • write_func callback function passed the bytes written to the script
  • closure user data to be passed to the callback

###Returns The newly created device. The caller owns the surface and should call Script#finalze when done with it.

This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a pointer to a nil device if an error such as out of memory occurs. You can use Context#status to check for this.

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def : String) #

Creates a output device for emitting the script, used when creating the individual surfaces.


  • filename the name (path) of the file to write the script to

###Returns The newly created Script-Surface. The caller owns the surface and should call Script#finalize when done with it.

This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a pointer to a nil device if an error such as out of memory occurs. You can use Context#status to check for this.

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Instance Method Detail

def create_script_surface(content : Content, width : Float64, height : Float64) : Surface #

Create a new surface that will emit its rendering through script.


  • content the content of the surface
  • width width in pixels
  • height height in pixels

###Returns A pointer to the newly created Surface. The caller owns the surface and should call Surface#finalize when done with it.

This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a pointer to a nil surface if an error such as out of memory occurs. You can use Surface#status to check for this.

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def create_script_surface_for_target(target : Surface) : Surface #

Create a pxoy surface that will render to target and record the operations to device.


  • target a target surface to wrap

###Returns A pointer to the newly created Surface. The caller owns the surface and should call Surface#finalize when done with it.

This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a pointer to a nil surface if an error such as out of memory occurs. You can use Surface#status to check for this.

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def from_recording_surface(recording_surface : Surface) : Status #

Converts the record operations in recording_surface into a script.


  • script the script (output device)
  • recording_surface the recording surface to replay

###Returns Status::Success on successful completion or an error code.

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def mode : ScriptMode #

Queries the script for its current output mode.

###Returns The current output mode of the script.

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def mode=(mode : ScriptMode) #

Change the output mode of the script.


  • mode the new mode

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def write_comment(comment : String, len : Int32 = -1) #

Emit a string verbatim into the script.


  • comment the string to emit
  • len the length of the sting to write, or -1 to use comment.size

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